At AgroVet-Strickhof higher education and research in agricultural and veterinary sciences are connected with the practical needs of the agricultural industry through the cooperation between Strickhof, ETH Zurich and The University of Zurich.
The experimental research conducted by our group is closely linked to the research stations of AgroVet-Strickhof, with some of our projects being carried out directly at one of the four sites.

Find out more about the headquarters of AgroVet Strickhof in external page Eschikon, Lindau, as well as the research sites in external page Wülflingen (ZH), external page Früebüel (ZG) and external page Alp Weissenstein (GR).

At AgroVet-Strickhof, forward-looking external page research is carried out in the domain of livestock. The research covers both fundamental and applied research.

AgroVet-Strickhof operates various external page infrastructure and related services at the four sites.