Milk EV

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a heterogeneous family of lipid bilayer vehicles that mediate the communication between cells. They contain and transfer signaling molecules from a donor cell to target cells, changing their physiology. The role of EVs on livestock health is still largely unknown, but its understanding would allow the use of EVs as biomarkers for specific physiological and pathological conditions. The main goal of our research is to unravel the participation of EVs in mammary gland cell physiology and pathology by doing basic research on cutting-edge molecular biology approaches. At the same time, we aim to introduce new mammary gland 3D in vitro models that strategically complement the use of animals in research. Adequate cell culture models that closely resemble the in vivo situation serve best for functional studies to bring our research from the animal to the cellular scale.

Milk Extracellular Vesicles

Please contact

Dr. Mara Saenz de Juano Ribes
Lecturer at the Department of Environmental Systems Science
  • LFW B 54.1
  • +41 44 632 47 21
  • vCard Download

Professur für Tierphysiologie
Universitätstrasse 2
8092 Zürich

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